Size , Scale , Proportion And Rhythm In Design

The 5th Exercise Of Basic Design : 

Size , Scale , Proportion
The main difference between the scale and proportion is that scale is measured according to the size of onother object . While proportion is the ration between any part of the object and the entire object as a whole entity . 
Rhythm :
Simply , rhythm is the repetition in ordered and ruled manner in the organisation of the design . Rhythm can be defined as a variation among repeated unit or combined units . Rhythm can be found clearly in Musical Designs . However, it can be applied to other types of Design .

In this given exercise , we were trying to apply rythm to our designs according to have variations on our designing principles and materials . Rythm can be applied by using a wide variety of principles . It can be obtained by the color , the used materials or by the ruled repeating of any element of design . The Rythm in this design can be explained by the rhythmical change in the scale , Proportion and the orientation of the repeated units since we are allowed to use one color of one material .


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